Application description for google play

Application description for Google Play – how to create a title, short and full description for a game and application. Properly selected keywords in the title and description can increase the number of downloads by 30% . So the description of the game or app for Google Play is important to attract new players and improve visibility in the app store.In this article, we’ll look at principles and strategies to help you create an effective description for your game or app. With these recommendations, you can increase interest in the application and improve its rankings in search results.seeking adventure, social interaction, achieving new levels and obtaining unique achievements in the game.To build a profile, use the Inweb template in the table.Later, this profile will help shape the marketing strategy and promote the application. Because the data from it can be used for targeting and preparation of creatives.

Features of the choice of applications and games by users

70% of people look for new apps in the App Store and Google Play. According to Business of Apps , the average time a user spends on a Google Play page is 14 seconds. Also, users need about 10 seconds to scan the feed and evaluate whether to download the application or not.Photo: Application description for Google Play – how to create a title, short and full description for a game and application. If you evaluate the design of the Apple Store and Google Play.

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Tou can see that the application stores have different design accents. In the App Store, the user’s attention is focused on the icon, app name, and icons, while in Google Play, the icons are smaller, which allows the user to see the description and main tags.This may indicate that app descriptions and titles on Google Play are the main ranking factors. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to optimize them both for system requirements and for user requests.

Stage 1: analysis and understanding of the target audience

Specific Database By Industry

Audience analysis is the first step in the process of creating a title and description for a game or app. It is necessary to determine who the potential users are, their needs, preferences and behavioral characteristics.To do this, you can use various methods and tools: conduct a survey, analyze market data and do demographic analysis if the program is aimed at a certain region.After the analysis, it is worth creating a profile of the ideal user. This will help target specific groups of people when creating the title and descriptions for the game. The profile should include details about the demographics, interests, preferences and gaming habits of potential players.An example of the described profile of an ideal user. Interests: video games, fantasy literature, e-sports, expensive alcohol.Habits: plays mobile games during breaks at work and at home in the evening Attends e-sports events and video game exhibitions. updates.Motivation to play.

Stage 2: selection of the semantic core

The semantic core is a set of keywords and phrases that best describe the game and predict user queries.Using the right keywords helps increase your game’s visibility in Google Play search results. Specialized tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Serpstat, Google Suggest, Ahrefs, SEMrush, statistics from AppStore SAP and others are used to select the semantic core.Keywords should be naturally integrated into the title, short and full description. Studies show that adding relevant keywords to a title can increase a game’s visibility by 20-25%.It is better to divide keywords into two groups. Short keywords: pedometer, pedometer, step tracker, step counter.
Key phrases: daily step tracker, phone pedometer, step calorie burn, fitness pedometer.It is important that keywords reflect user queries and are relevant to the content of the game or application.

Stage 3: formation of the name and Title, the differences between them

Name and Title in the context of app special list optimization for the Google Play Store are two different elements that perform different functions.The game name is the name of the app that appears on the app’s home page in the Google Play Store and in search results. It should be short, clickable and informative, contain keywords describing the main features of the game. The title plays an important role in users’ first impressions of your app.Title is used for internal optimization and may differ from the title in some cases. Title is often used for search engine optimization because it contains the main keywords that help users find the app.Creating a catchy title.The name of the game should be short, easy to read and remember, and also reflect the essence of the game. It should include the main keywords that describe the genre and features of the game.

Step 4: Create a short description

The brief description is one of the first chicago business things a user sees when viewing a game on Google Play. It should be concise but informative, include key words and create interest in the game. A short description should include the main features and benefits of the game, as well as a call to action.The problem with a short description is that it should convey the atmosphere of the game, but include keywords and unobtrusively interest the user. You have to put it all in 80 characters.When forming a short description, note that. You need to convey the aesthetics of the game, so use the appropriate ToV (Tone of Voice. Do not get carried away with standard phrases – they will make the short description similar to 1000 other games and applications. Try not to use a lot of water in the description, it will scare away users.

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