How to Build Phone Number Example

At Cyberclick we strive every day to be a happy company , and this effort has been rewarded with awards such as “Best Place to Work”. A fundamental ingredient in the cocktail of workplace happiness is making professionals feel recognised and valued every day. Do you want to know why? Read on to find out why employee recognition is vital.

10 reasons why employee recognition is important

10 reasons to recognize employee merit

1) Because recognized employees are happy employees

We are feelings, and we are human beings. We don’t leave our emotions at the office door, but rather they come with us to work every day . And in the same way, when we walk out the office door at the end of the work day, we take the feelings of the day with us.

Recognizing employees makes them

Those good How to Build Phone Number List  spread throughout the office, creating a more pleasant work environment. And in turn, employees take them home and continue to perpetuate the positive feelings there. Everyone wins!

And it’s not just the good vibes that win

It’s estimated that happy employees are 12% more productive on average . In other words, it’s not just the people who win, but also the companies… which, after all, are just a group of people.

How to Build Phone Number List


2) Because well-performing employees help build a better company

We have already seen it in the previous point: happiness is contagious .

Group happiness comes directly from the happiness of individuals

Therefore, recognition of workers ends up resulting in greater harmony, greater well-being and better teamwork.


3) Because valued employees stay in the company

From a more pragmatic point of view, employee recognition translates directly into Advertising Material for the company. A recognized and happy employee is a loyal employee .


4) Because recognized employees are the best promoters of your brand

When an employee feels valued and happy , they speak well of their company wherever they go. This will make it much easier for us to find new talent, since the most savvy workers always want to know what employees think of the companies they are considering working for. And who better than them to tell them about their experience?


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