How to know if a domain is penalized before buying it

If you’ve land on this section, it’s because you ne to register a domain name and you’re interest in checking if it has been previously penaliz. There’s no reason to worry, as in this article we’ll teach you how to determine if a domain has been penaliz using two simple tools: and Majestic SEO.

Selecting the right domain name is

Rrucial for any website . When purchasing and registering a domain name, many people neglect to check if it has been previously register or list by major search engines. This check is essential because if the domain was us for questionable practices in the past, it could be penaliz by Google or other search engines (such as Bing, Yahoo, Yandex , etc.).

A sanction domain will not be display in organic search results (SEO) or allow the execution of SEM campaigns. In short: your website will be invisible to search engines, resulting in minimal traffic, limit only to those who directly enter your domain URL into their browser.

To infer whether a domain has been

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How to determine if a domain has been penaliz with gives us the ability to view the appearance and historical content of a website. To use it, go to  and enter the name of the domain we want to research in the search field.

How to know if a domain is penaliz with

In this case, we see that the website was first register to on January 22, 2002, and most recently on October 5, 2015 , for a total of 130 captures or registrations of the site during that time. To examine what the domain look like or what content it had at a specific point in time, simply click on the graph above the year of interest. Once you select a year, the days that the site was register to will be highlight in green. By clicking on these dates, you can view the content and appearance of the website at those specific points in time .

Viewing Web Content with Archive.Org

If, when reviewing the results, we notice that the site’s content is in a different language than expect for the domain (such as Russian, Chinese, Arabic, etc.), if we identify automatically generat content or adult content, there is a high probability that the domain has been us for SPAM activities , violating Google’s policies and guidelines. This may indicate that the domain is penaliz.

In the case we analyz, we saw that the domain had content in Chinese, which is inconsistent for a domain that is suppos to operate in Spanish. This discrepancy is clear evidence that the website was us for SPAM activities.

How to identify if a domain is penaliz with Majestic SEO

It is also essential to examine the links that point to the domain . For this task, the Majestic SEO tool is very useful.‘s search engine , we will obtain a profile of its links. There are two key factors to look at to determine if the domain could be penaliz:

  • The terms or anchor text that point to the domain : It is important to check which anchor texts are link to promotion of souvenirs on instagram the domain. If we discover a significant number of backlinks with anchor texts in different languages ​​or with problematic terms (such as words relat to sex or micines), this can be an indicator that the domain has been penaliz.

Distribution of Anchor Text

  • The authority of the domains linking to the site is another crucial indicator . Using the  (CF) and (TF) metrics that Majestic SEO offers, we can evaluate whether the linking domains are relevant or not. If the domain in question has a high number of links coming from domains with low relevance and authority, it could be susceptible to penalties from Google’s PENGUIN algorithm.

Other Tricks and EXTRA Material

  • Perform a Google search for the domain name without including the extension to check for any marketing list negative user comments or reviews about the domain. This information can provide insights into the domain’s reputation.
  • If the domain has already been register by someone else and is for sale, it is advisable to request statistics or access to Google Search Console for the domain. Within Search Console, in the manual actions section, you can check if the domain has receiv a manual penalty, as oppos to automatic algorithmic penalties. This offers direct insight into potential issues that Google has specifically identifi with the domain.
Example of domain with manual penalty
  • If the domain you are interest in is already register by someone else and is for sale , a good practice is to request statistics or access to Analytics. Looking closely to see if, at any point, traffic experienc a significant decrease can be an indication of a penalty by one of Google’s algorithms, such as Panda, Penguin or Hummingbird .
Reconsideration request from Google Search Console

In the event that you have not taken these previous steps and have purchas a domain that you later discover is penaliz, you still have options. If the penalty is manual, you can request a review through Google Search Console . This involves submitting a request for Google to reconsider your site’s status, which may result in the penalty being remov if the criteria are met and the necessary corrections have been made to the site.

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